§ 1 FIREARMS ACT 1996,, Weapons are items that are by their very nature, are intended to be 1.) The attack or defense ability of people to eliminate direct exposure, or 2.) In hunting or shooting to give shots to be used." Persons subject to a ban was enacted, weapons within the meaning of section 1 of the 1996 metals and ammunition as defined in § 4 neither own nor metals still lead to acquire. The definition of "weapons" as above fall z. B.: All firearms to deliver sharp shots (the rumblings of ammunition), Therefore all pistols, revolvers, rifles, shotguns, rifles, front loading weapons, etc. All Firearms With Filaments Castle -, Wheel lock and steinschloß ignition, all compressed air and co2 guns, all schreck firearms (gas guns, gas gun, etc.) Blow-and stabbing weapons (Bayonets, sword, sabre, switchblade, swords) Case Knives, Butter Flay Knife, stilette, dagger, throwing knives, blow guns (Blackjacks), Tear Gas Spray, Stun Guns Precision Sling far eastern close combat weapons ammunition is a change of use finished shoot means by its very nature in detrimental for firearms (§ 4 FIREARMS ACT 1996). Bread -, Table -, Pocket Knife and there are no weapons in the sense of metals 1996. Federal Police Vienna Administration Office 1090 Vienna, wasa alley 20, tel: 31310/0 III-W-4355 / / 04 Vienna, on 18.04.2005 Ref.: Dr. Sperl, or tel.: 31340/79405 Fax: 31344/79449 subject: your input of 30.12.2004 payment of fees fault Mrs / Mr Bernd Dirt Hard Viktoria Alley 8/3 1150 w I e n dear / r MR / Mrs Dirt Hard! The Federal Police Vienna, it pointed out that, in accordance with § 14 TP 6 ABS. 1 of the fees, law bgbi. No. 267/1957, the input of individuals (natural u. Legal persons) of a fee in the amount of € 13,- Is subject to. From now on they will be asked to pay the fee for your input within two weeks after the delivery of this letter to the tune of € 13,-- Using the enclosed invoice or on weekdays (Monday - Friday) from 08.00 am-13.00 pm in the administration office bar to slay. If you do not comply with this request, it is the federal police vienna gem. § 34 para. 1 of the fees required to act 1957, the tax office for fees and sales tax. Gem. § 9 para. 1 of the fees, the tax law has a fee, which was not properly paid, should be fixed with this knowledge and a 50 % increase in amount. Thanks, the board of Directors: I.A. Dr. Sperl, or p.s.k blz 5240009 BENEFICIARY ACCOUNT NUMBER BANK 60000 13 euros were paid on the 2.1.2006th. Federal Police Vienna Administration Office 1090 Vienna, wasa alley. Tel. 20 31344-0-Fax 31310-79449 E-Mail:bpd.administrationsbüro@polizei.gv.at III-W 4355 / AB / 04 Vienna, on 25.11.2005 Ref.: Or don't like. Eggi of KL.: 79405 Mr Dirt Hard Bernd Viktoria Alley 8/3 1150 Vienna dear mr dirt hard on their letter dated 14.11.2005, 18.11.2005 and 21.11.2005 may we inform you that the against them by a decision of 30.12.2004 Ban imposed by a decision of 18.04.2005 has been remedied. Further letters, for its part, are therefore not required. Thanks, the board of Directors: I.A. or likes. Of eggi. BPD Federal Republic of Austria, Vienna, Vienna headquarters on 18.11.2011 ar eckhard office for weapons and event affairs wasa alley 20 a-1090 Vienna Tel. The signing of 43-1 31 310 / 79420 Fax 43-1 31 of 310 / 79449 E-mail: bpd-w-bwv@polizei.gv.at DVR: 0003506 Mr Dirt Hard Bernd Tauten hay alley 28/7/16 1150 Vienna Gz: III-W-4355 / / 04 dear Mr. Dirt Hard! It is informed that from ha. On the 18.11.2011th has been arranged that the of them on 30.10.2011 paid-up fee in the amount of € 13.-- To AZ: III-W-4355 / AB / 04 will be refunded, because they are this fee according to ha. Documents already on 2.1.2006 have paid. Thanks, the board of Directors: I.A. Ref.: Fr. AR. Eckhard Penal code § 84 for continuation of the declared unconstitutional party § 85 violation of a ban, § 86... Propaganda means... ... National Socialist... ..., Their contents against the liberal democratic order or the idea of understanding is addressed. ... § 86 (a) use of identifiers unconstitutional organisations
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